
RAINBOWS BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GREAT BRITAIN is a well-respected national charity having a proven, positive impact on the lives of children, young people and adults grieving a significant and often devastating loss in their lives.

At Long Toft Primary School, we support their vision which is quite simply for every child and young person in every school in Great Britain, grieving a significant and often devastating loss in their lives, to be understood and supported appropriately.

Staff in all areas of our school have been trained to nurture and develop the emotional health and mental well-being of children, who have experienced a significant loss through death, relationship breakdown or other adverse circumstances.

Rainbows Programmes provide a safe setting for children and young people to talk through their feelings with others who are experiencing similar situations. They are helped to articulate their feelings by a trained staff member whom they know and trust. 

Confidentiality, which is at the heart of all Rainbows Programmes, is kept at all times unless a child or young person is at risk, in which case our school’s safeguarding procedures are followed.

Rainbows Programmes provide age relevant materials which form a structured 12 – 14 week programme to assist children and young people through their grief and loss. Rainbows supports self-esteem, trust, confidence and resilience, whilst promoting positive emotional/mental development and healthy relationships.


Please use this link to access the Rainbows website for further informtion:



Like all interventions in school, if parents feel their child would benefit from accessing Rainbows , they are very welcome to discuss this with their child’s class teacher.


RAINBOWS BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GREAT BRITAIN is a well-respected national charity having a proven, positive impact on the lives of children, young people and adults grieving a significant and often devastating loss in their lives.

At Long Toft Primary School, we support their vision which is quite simply for every child and young person in every school in Great Britain, grieving a significant and often devastating loss in their lives, to be understood and supported appropriately.

Staff in all areas of our school have been trained to nurture and develop the emotional health and mental well-being of children, who have experienced a significant loss through death, relationship breakdown or other adverse circumstances.

Rainbows Programmes provide a safe setting for children and young people to talk through their feelings with others who are experiencing similar situations. They are helped to articulate their feelings by a trained staff member whom they know and trust. 

Confidentiality, which is at the heart of all Rainbows Programmes, is kept at all times unless a child or young person is at risk, in which case our school’s safeguarding procedures are followed.

Rainbows Programmes provide age relevant materials which form a structured 12 – 14 week programme to assist children and young people through their grief and loss. Rainbows supports self-esteem, trust, confidence and resilience, whilst promoting positive emotional/mental development and healthy relationships.


Please use this link to access the Rainbows website for further informtion:



Like all interventions in school, if parents feel their child would benefit from accessing Rainbows , they are very welcome to discuss this with their child’s class teacher.